In the early hours of December 21, 2015, our beloved mother, grandmother, and friend Mary Lea Abbott (Barnett) passed away. She was born August 23, 1924 in Portland, Oregon as the first child to Vernon and Margaret Barnett. She attended Vestal Grade School and graduated from Washington High School in 1942. She worked as an insurance secretary for H. B. Larson from 1947 to 1958. Mary Lea married Glenn Abbott on October 5, 1957 and became mother to his children Irene, Kaye and Alice. Later daughter Margaret was born. In the summer of 2015, she moved from her beloved home of 56 years. She enjoyed being a homemaker and mother. She was an avid reader, enjoyed baking, cooking, and visiting and corresponding with family and friends. She is survived by her sister, Margaret, her daughters Irene (Don), Alice (Dale) and Margaret (Kim), 6 grandchildren, and 4 great-grandchildren. She was predeceased by husband Glenn and daughter Kaye. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, December 29, 2015, at 11:00am with viewing beginning at 10:00am at Gable Funeral Chapel, 225 NE 80th Ave., Portland, Oregon. A commitment ceremony will be held at 12:30 pm at Willamette National Cemetery, followed by a reception in her memory from 1-4 pm at Cherrywood Village Retirement Community, 1417 SE 107th Avenue, Portland Oregon. Donations may be made to the charity of your choice."",