Judy passed away peacefully at home on August 5th after a year and a half battle with cancer. While she maintained faith that God could choose to heal her, she was joyful and at peace knowing she would soon be with her beloved Savior.
Judy was born at Emanuel Hospital in Portland, OR on August 25, 1939 to Bernard and Marian Belmont.
She graduated St. Mary's Academy and married her high school sweetheart, Peter Beer in 1957. They were married for 18 years and had four children together, Pete Jr., Julie, Saralyn and Bernie.
Judy wed her second husband, Harry Gardner in 1976. She was widowed in 1987 when Harry passed away from cancer. She continued to love his children and grandchildren as her own.
Judy was remarried in 1992 to Phillip Brooks. They celebrated their 29th anniversary this year.
She had a generous and loving heart, raising her daughter Saralyn's children, Caitlin, Caley and Kavan.
Judy was a vibrant soul who made everywhere she was a brighter place. Her greatest joys were her relationships with God, her family and her church community. She loved to spend time out in God's creation from mountain climbing at Mazamas to taking care of the hummingbirds in her own garden. Olallie Lake held a special place in her heart as well as the family cabin in Eastern Oregon. She was a talented artist who spent her time painting as both artistic expression and worship, always willing to teach others and share her love of creativity.
She is survived by her husband; four children; 16 grandchildren; 26 great-grandchildren; and brother, Gene Belmont.