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Jason - Healer, "the Lord is my salvation"
Marcus - Polite and Shining
Gregg - Watchman
The meaning of names matter. They have the power to tell the story of those that possess them, and this statement could not be more evident than in the life of Jason Marcus Gregg. In the Bible, Jason of Thessalonica was known for opening his home to Paul and Silas in their most urgent times of need... that sounds quite familiar to the Jason we all know and love, who willingly opened his home to me, my family, and uncountable others in their times of need. He was a believer, a lover of life, and compassionate to an innumerable number of people, placing the needs of them before himself.
Jason may have come late to gatherings or events, but his arrival made them feel as if they had officially begun. Even though he was loud and had numerous opinions and theories, he still listened, reserving judgement and chose to cherish the good in people... And he would always stay late. He was a passionate creator, from art and cooking to gardening and music. These creations were a vessel of expressing the love and compassion for those around him. Jason's impact on the various lives around him may be recalled differently, but nonetheless, he offered the same healing vibrance to us all. The following statements attest to who Jason was in the lives of his family.
Jason as a son (Arthur Gregg)
Jason... the Gift
Jason arrived in the world first as God's Gift to his mother, brother and me, his dad. As we unwrapped our gift we experienced joy, wonder and thankfulness. He was fun to watch grow... curious, adventurous, bright, friendly and often funny. A hugger who sat close to you, he would invade your space; but blessed were you! People and even neighborhoods were transformed by his presence. He was some years younger than David, his brother, but you wouldn't know it. He was always at David's heels; and he emulated him continually yet had his own bent.
Early on, God instructed us to raise Jason a certain way. In the years to come we were many times honored and credited for Jason's virtues. Not so, this honor belongs to his Creator, Maker and Father. Jason grew into a man of integrity, full of good-heartedness, loyalty to friends and family and full of compassion. He viewed the world around him through a filter that looked for the good, the hope and the beauty in it. He did not always get that in return and some of that shaped his philosophies and opinions. Jason was a Gregg man who seldom lacked for words in sharing those perspectives. Words fail me to tell of his value, beauty and virtue; may The Lord reveal it to those who will see.
Jason is with his Father now. He is alive and immersed in wonders and adventures he never imagined... and he could imagine a lot! For a time, we'll be separated... he is a forerunner; and I am one who yearns for the day I'll once again see God's Gift to the world; the day we can feel the warmth of each other's embrace... What a day that will be! Jason challenged and healed, startled and embraced... he was my son and my life-long honor to have been gifted by Him to be his father.
Love you J...
Jason as a son (Vicki Strom-Medley)
In losing my youngest son, I've lost a huge piece of my heart. My grief for the loss of Jason can't remotely be expressed. From the time Jason was born until his final day on this earth, he was extremely sensitive, loving, and caring. Sensitive in his loving heart to the needs of others, always above his own needs. Generous to a fault. If someone needed a home, he provided it. Just in the last few years I estimate at least 10 people called upon his generosity of sharing his home.
His sense of humor was unmatched by anyone I have ever known. When he was a child and I would get angry with him, he ended up making me laugh. His respect for me was sometimes undeserved. However, it is always present. He saw the good in people and defended the underdog. He always gave people grace. Forgiving....Forgiving...Forgiving...
We used to talk about "everyone has a backstory." Give them GRACE. Which he did until his very last breath. He touched so many lives. He was beyond loved in so many ways to so many people. I am beyond blessed to have brought into this world such an extraordinary human being. This earthly world has lost one of its best.
Jason as a son (Sherry Gregg)
I like to write letters to my family and friends, so here's my letter to you.
I remember you when I came into your family. I realized I had a responsibility, and I never imagined I would become a parent, helping your dad raise you. I know I needed help, so I called on God for the first time in many years because I couldn't do the job alone. After coming back to the Lord, I began to attend a small church by myself close to our home. When I introduced myself to the pastor, he asked if he could visit our family. The pastor came over while your dad was at work. Only you and your brother were home with me. After a good conversation about God, specifically Jesus Christ, he asked you boys if you would like to ask him into your hearts and lives. Not hesitating, you both said yes, and you two immediately went to your knees and allowed Jesus into your lives. The pastor then told us about water baptism and asked if we as a family would like to do so at the church. You both said yes, and I was so surprised at your complete and utter willingness to do so. Soon after, your dad later accepted the Lord, and we were baptized in a lake together as a family.
It's been such a joy going back in memories to see your heart for God as a young boy. I look forward to our time in heaven, with the awe and wonder of our Creator and Savior.
Thank you for the wreath you so lovingly made for me. I have a special place in our home for all to see. Both the wreath and your message to us through Rone truly mean more than you know! No wait... I believe you do know Jason. I love you and I'll see you soon.
Jason as a brother (David Gregg)
When Jay and I were together, I always felt 2 inches taller and gained 20 pounds more muscle. His presence ushered in a kind of confidence that when the Gregg brothers were together, we could accomplish so much more. Our conversations together would be a mix of jokes, trash talking on the golf course, and thankfulness. Thankfulness for the things and people around us even through life's continuing challenges. The feeling of loss and grief now is heavy, but I do look forward to being together again.
Jason as a brother (Denise Gregg)
I want to share with you who Jason Gregg was in my life. As I am writing this,
I am shaking right now but my heart needs to share the deep love and respect I had for my brother-in-law for 33 years. I always looked forward to his great big hugs and his infectious smile. He would come rolling in the driveway for family gatherings and holidays, and I would say out loud, "Jay is here!" Now whenever I say, "Jay is here!" I will feel his spirit in my heart.
I will miss his laughter and our lengthy talks with one another we could carry on for hours. He had a way of making me and others feel comforted and safe. Jason taught me a lot about grace, and he gave it to all that he knew. He was a loving uncle to both my sons Samuel and Elijah, and I cannot appreciate that anymore. I love you so much Jay and I know you are whooping it up dancing with Jesus. Hallelujah!!!!
Jason as an uncle (Samuel and Elijah Gregg)
Uncle Jay truly was everything an uncle should be and much more. He was the "cool uncle." A fun and exciting presence, allowing us to break the rules of our parents and enjoy the things we wouldn't normally get to experience. On the other hand, we felt Uncle Jay carried with him a strong mentor-like presence. Allowing us to lean on and respect him much like a father. In our lives, Jason will always be known as Uncle Jay, but his actions, presence, and unconditional love meant so much more to us then merely an uncle.
We welcome your remembrance, thoughts on the Facebook messaging and or the website comments section. They will permanently remain as a part of his legacy. We ask that in lieu of sending flowers or planting a tree, please donate to Portland Rescue Mission in Jason's honor as we believe this would be most appropriate.
A Celebration of Life will be 12:30 PM, May 17, 2022, at Bell Tower Chapel in Boring, OR. (Doors will open at noon.)