David John Aldrich was born March 16, 1933, in Portland, Oregon, to Earl and Mildred Aldrich. He had one older brother, Earl, and one younger brother, Donald “Skippy”. David spent his school years in Portland, Oregon.
Dave met his wife, Shirley Mae at a picnic and the two were married a year later, on August 16, 1959, at Sellwood Baptist Church. Their son, Scott was born in 1962 and Peter in 1966.
Dave’s family and friends remember him as a wise and thoughtful man who was a steadfast follower of Jesus. Dave spent significant time studying and meditating on God’s word. He was a trustworthy counselor and teacher. Dave was a committed member of every church community of which he was a part. He served in many roles within the church including deacon and teacher.
Dave was a wise and sacrificial husband and father. He has left a legacy of service and wise counsel that his family and friends have and will continue to benefit from.
Dave’s strongest desire was to display God’s love and truth to all within his influence, with the hope that all would meet the loving Savior that he diligently served.
Dave will be missed here, but we know there is a celebration going on in heaven as this good and faithful servant is welcomed into his eternal home. We all look forward to seeing him again in heaven.
Dave is survived by his sons, Scott and wife, Denise and Peter and wife, Kristine; nine grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.